Endowment Funds

Unrestricted Endowment

Unrestricted endowment provides a school with stability and flexibility. What we deem essential to our quality as a school today may not seem as essential tomorrow. And what we may not even foresee today may be absolutely critical to the quality of the school tomorrow. Unrestricted endowment provides a stable source of income and it leaves the decision of how to spend that income to the trustees and the administration. Founded in 1896, St. George’s School is an enduring institution. A strengthened endowment, particularly a strengthened endowment with a sizable proportion of unrestricted funds, will provide the assurance that the school will thrive for generations to come.

Endowment for Financial Aid/Named Scholarships

Cost is a matter of great concern to students and their families. Our budget guidelines call for an increase in financial aid of at least one full boarding tuition equivalent each year. We seek additional gifts for the endowment of financial aid to further the School's commitment to attracting students of diverse backgrounds, interests and talents. Gifts may be made to the general scholarship fund, or named scholarships may be established. A full boarding student scholarship may be named with a gift of $1,250,000; a full day student scholarship may be named with a gift of $850,000, and a partial scholarship may be named with a gift of $400,000.

Endowed Faculty Chairs

In the areas of Asian Studies, English, Mathematics, Spanish, Classics, Drama and Music St. George's seeks to establish named teaching chairs to ensure the quality of scholarship in those departments. The process that is defined as the teaching and learning process is best carried out by those teachers who are gifted enough to provide a classroom experience that excels in areas of student initiative, imparting a zest for learning and providing a road map and incentive for future scholarship. An endowed faculty chair may be established with a gift of $1,000,000.

Named Teaching Funds

Each area of academic endeavor has its champions. By naming a teaching fund to support particular programs, a donor may make a lasting impact on those areas of endeavor deemed especially important to him or her. By so doing, it is possible to ensure the continuity of high academic quality. To foster an aggressive pursuit of learning and to provide a positive and lasting impact on a particular department may motivate a donor to make such a gift. St. George's welcomes partners in the academic enterprise. A teaching fund may be named with a gift of $250,000

The St. George's Fund