Our Marking System

St. George’s issues letter grades with plusses and minuses.

A grade of B or better is considered an honor grade. D- is the lowest passing grade. A student who fails a required course and who is allowed to return to the school must take the course again, usually in summer school. A fifth-former may not return for the sixth-form year with an outstanding failure. Sixth-formers must pass all their courses during their sixth-form year in order to graduate from St. George’s.

Grades are as follows:

A+, A, A- Distinguished achievement; indicates a thorough understanding of the subject matter (insight as well as detail); independence and originality of thought and work.
B+, B, B- Work of high caliber; indicates excellence in one or more of the requirements for an A.
C+, C, C- Satisfactory work; indicates a reasonable grasp of the course content and the ability to express ideas coherently in speech and writing.
D+, D, D- Less than satisfactory work; indicates minimum performance for which credit can be given; may also indicate satisfactory work in most areas, but severe deficiencies in one or two.
F Unacceptable performance; no credit given; failed courses must be made up.
A+ 97-100
A 93-96
A- 90-92
B+ 87-89
B 83-86
B- 80-82
C+ 77-79
C 73-76
C- 70-72
D+ 67-69
D 63-66
D- 60-62
F below 60