Health and Wellness

Living on the St. George’s campus means living in a community-minded atmosphere where people come together in a bond of trust and caring for each other.

Members of the Counseling Department understand that for students to feel comfortable talking about private and revealing information, they need a safe place to do so without fear of that information leaving the room. Counselors always take students privacy very seriously, but there are exceptions in order to protect the student or public from harm, which are outlined in the first session.

Yoga on Ocean Field

Counseling & Health Education

The Counseling Department’s licensed mental health professionals work with students around a variety of concerns to help with individual growth and development. It’s counselors’ mission to help students reach their personal goals and support them through tough times.

Director of Counseling Caryn Manning, Psy.D., meets with students in need and helps determine the best course of action for each individual. Students can meet with counselors once a week on a regular basis or as needed. All in-house counseling services are free.

The Director of Counseling is available 24/7 for emergencies and can be reached here.


Caryn Manning

Caryn Manning

Director of Counseling
David Dove

David Dove

Claire Wiseman

Claire Wiseman

School Counselor

The Health Center

Similarly, St. George’s School staffs a 24-hour-a day, seven-days-a-week Health Center with eight overnight and six day beds. The Health Center is the place to go if a student is ill or suffers an injury or needs to make a medical appointment, renew a prescription, request a medical weekend or for any health related question. The nursing staff will admit a student if an ailment calls for bed rest. Students may stay from several hours to several nights and the staff always provides a confidential, sympathetic ear.

Summary of Current Practices

Our Summary of Current Practices describes our efforts to educate and train faculty, staff, and students about staying safe and secure on campus, as well as the various structures available for members of our community seeking wellness support. It also provides comprehensive information on employee hiring and professional development.

Resources for Parents

Important information regarding our policies
Health Information Services

Important information regarding prescriptions or use EpiPens
Medication Management Program

Forms can be accessed and submitted in the secure Magnus Health Portal.

If you have any questions about logging in to the account or accessing forms, please contact Magnus Health customer support by phone 877-461-6831 or email

Magnus Health Portal 🔒

Health Center Directory

1 2 > showing 1 - 10 of 14 constituents
Carly Albanesa

Carly Albanesa

Health Center Nurse
Patricia Allan

Patricia Allan

Health Center Administrative Assistant
Laurie Anderson

Laurie Anderson

Health Center Nurse
Jennalynn Callahan

Jennalynn Callahan

Health Center Nurse
Megan Ellinwood

Megan Ellinwood

Health Center Nurse
Allison Ford

Allison Ford

Director of Health Services
Christopher Jurczyk

Christopher Jurczyk

Health Center Nurse
Amanda McFadden

Amanda McFadden

Health Center Administrative Director
JoEllen McMahon

JoEllen McMahon

Health Center Nurse
Celia Palmer

Celia Palmer

Registered Dietician/Nutritionist