Student in visual arts class with interesting perspective

Visual Arts

The visual arts curriculum at St. George’s is designed to meet each student’s desire to pursue various levels and forms of creativity.

For the most advanced art students, our studios, housed in the Drury/Grosvenor Center for the Arts, are a home away from home when a creative binge strikes. For beginning art students, a foundation course may turn into a new passion — or simply set the tone for a more enlightened way of visiting a great museum. On whichever end of the spectrum they fall, our students find an art curriculum tailored to their desired goals and interests. Advanced Studio Art Portfolio courses are designed to promote the development of a cohesive body of work in accordance with the structure of the guidelines for college admissions. Expectations for these courses are rigorous and the technical skills that student artists acquire during this year of practice can often be remarkable.

Visual Arts Foundation

The Visual Arts Foundation course, a prerequisite for further study, emphasizes problem solving, aesthetic analysis and visual selectivity. Intermediate and advanced course electives include drawing, ceramics, architecture, video art, photography, printmaking, welding, sculpture and three-dimensional design.