Wellness Options
Following is a list of health and wellness professionals close to the Hilltop. All have been contacted and welcome inquiries from St. George’s alumni. Please feel free to reach out to arrange your own appointments during your time back in Newport.
The Bodhi Spa, 654 Thames St., Newport, 401-619-4916
Innerlight Center for Yoga and Meditation, 850 Aquidneck Ave., Middletown, 401-849-3200
Drop in students are welcome.
Karen Kuzminsky, LMT, Massage & Healing Sanctuary, 117 Bellevue Ave., Newport, 401-835-0689
Massage Therapy, Rosen Method, Private Yoga, massage-healing-newport.wikidot.com
Dr. Lynn MacKesson, 1 Bartlett Court, Newport, 401-619-1912
Acupuncture, AcuHerbalAnswers.com
Kay Parent, Community Herbalist, Newport, 401-849-7068
Herbal Medicine, kayparent.com
Margaret Small, LMT, Newport Wellness, 4 Calvert St., Newport, 401-849-9977
Massage Therapy, Reflexology, Facial Rejuvenation, www.newportwellness.com
Kenji Omori, LMT, 372 Broadway, Newport, 401-864-1258
Massage Therapy, rkomori@aol.com