Resources for Writing
Writing Center
At the on-campus Writing Center, students meet one-to-one with faculty members during their free period to work on specific writing assignments or general skill development. During these meetings, students receive individual feedback while focusing on questions and topics of their choosing. Students may access this resource as often as they like and use it for many different reasons, including brainstorming, outlining, structuring sentences and paragraphs, understanding the use of citations, and developing proofreading skills.
Writing Lab
The Writing Lab, offered by appointment or walk-in four evenings a week in the Morris Common Room, is a student-staffed writing resource that provides support in all aspects of the writing process. Students work with tutors who have been selected by the Writing Center and the Horton Center. These peer tutors have experienced several years of writing instruction at the school and offer a student’s perspective on all aspects of the writing process.
Summer Writing Program
SG’s four-week, self-paced online summer writing program is open to students in all forms. Students work one-to-one with an English teacher to complete weekly reading and writing assignments tailored to their needs and educational level. Assignments for third- and fourth-formers develop analytical reading and writing skills, fifth-formers focus on SAT/ACT-style argument writing, and sixth-formers work on personal-narrative and college-essay skills. Each student receives highly specific feedback and careful attention is paid to each individual’s development. Frequent communication with the instructor throughout the course will ensure the greatest possible outcomes.
Given that this program occurs outside of the school year, there is a fee associated with Summer Writing Program. For more information, please contact the Horton Center.